Supporting Research in Pain Management for Veterans and Military Service Members
Supporting Research in Pain Management for Veterans and Military Service Members

PMC Publications

Welcome to the Pain Management Collaboratory Publication page. Here, we proudly present a collection of our publications, unveiling the groundbreaking research conducted by our team of researchers and collaborators across the United States. Our contributions focus on the design, conduct, and dissemination of pragmatic clinical trials addressing innovative and evidence-based approaches for the management of pain and common co-occurring conditions among Veteran and Military Service Members communities.

Explore our publications using the interactive chart below. You can utilize the search bar to filter articles by author last name, DOI, year, journal name, PMC Affiliations, keywords such as “chronic pain,” and any of the columns that you see listed below. All links are provided, granting access to abstracts or summaries. However, to access the full text or PDF versions, individuals would require a subscription or affiliation with the respective journal.

We extend our gratitude to all the authors whose dedication and expertise have contributed to this valuable work. Thank you for visiting!

Publicaton TitleAuthorsPublication YearJournal, alt nameDOIAffiliation
Optimizing the impact of pragmatic clinical trials for veteran and military populations: Lessons from the pain management collaboratoryAli J, Antonelli M, Bastian L, Becker W, Brandt CA, Burgess DJ, Burns A, Cohen SP, Davis AF, Dearth CL, Dziura J, Erdos J, Farrokhi S, Fritz J, Geda M, George SZ, Goertz C, Goodie J, Hastings SN, Heapy A, Ilfeld BM, Katsovich L, Kerns RD, Kyriakides TC, Lee A, Long CR, Luther SL, Martino S, Matheny ME, McGeary D, Midboe A, Pasquina P, Peduzzi P, Raffanello M, Rhon DI, Rosen M, Russell Esposito E, Scarton DV, Seal K, Silliker N, Taylor S, Taylor SL, Tsui M, Wright FS, Zeliadt S.2022Military MedicineMil Meddoi: 10.1093/milmed/usab458.Pain Management Collaboratory
Justice and equity in pragmatic clinical trials: Considerations for pain research within integrated health systemsAli J, Davis AF, Burgess DJ, Rhon DI, Vining R, Young-McCaughan S, Green S, Kerns RD.2022Learning Health SystemsLearn Health Systdoi: 10.1002/lrh2.10291.Pain Management Collaboratory
Engaging veterans and military service members to optimize pragmatic clinical trials of nonpharmacological approaches for pain managementAnicich A, Katsovich L, Kerns RD.2022Pain MedicinePain Meddoi: 10.1093/pm/pnac020.Pain Management Collaboratory
Telehealth complementary and integrative health therapies during COVID-19 at the U.S. Department of Veterans AffairsDer-Martirosian C, Shin M, Upham ML, Douglas JH, Zeliadt SB, Taylor SL.2022Telemedicine and e-HealthTelemed J E Healthdoi: 10.1089/tmj.2022.0209. APPROACH trial
Program to increase veterans’ access to non-drug therapy for pain receives approval for expansion. Secondary Program to increase veterans’ access to non-drug therapy for pain receives approval for expansionHeapy A, et al.2022Health Services Research & DevelopmentHealth Services Research & DevelopmentCOPES ExTRA trial
Conducting a pragmatic trial in integrated primary care: key decision points and considerationsKanzler KE, McGeary DD, McGeary C, Blankenship AE, Young-McCaughan S, Peterson AL, Buhrer JC, Cobos BA, Dobmeyer AC, Hunter CL, Bhagwat A, Blue Star JA, Goodie JL.2022Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical SettingsJ Clin Psychol Med Settingsdoi: 10.1007/s10880-021-09790-4RESOLVE trial
The yin and yang of pragmatic clinical trials of behavioral interventions for chronic pain: balancing design features to maximize impactKeefe FJ, Jensen MP, Williams ACC, George SZ.2022PAINPaindoi: 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000002546AIM Back trial
Self-management of chronic pain: psychologically guided core competencies for providersKerns RD, Burgess DJ, Coleman BC, Cook CE, Farrokhi S, Fritz JM, Goertz C, Heapy A, Lisi AJ, Rhon DI, Vining R.2022Pain MedicinePain Meddoi: 10.1093/pm/pnac083Pain Management Collaboratory
Counseling veterans with chronic pain during the COVID-19 pandemic: a secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trialLazar CM, Rosen MI, Sellinger J, Mattocks K, Navarra L, Ross KA, Martino S.2022Pain MedicinePain Meddoi: 10.1093/pm/pnab349SBIRT-PM trial
Pre-implementation formative evaluation of cooperative pain education and self-management expanding treatment for real-world access: A pragmatic pain trialMattocks KM, LaChappelle KM, Krein SL, DeBar LL, Martino S, Edmond S, Ankawi B, MacLean RR, Higgins DM, Murphy JL, Cooper E, Heapy AA.2022Pain PracticePain Practicedoi: 10.1111/papr.13195COPES ExTRA trial
TIDieR-telehealth: precision in reporting of telehealth interventions used in clinical trials – unique considerations for the Template for the Intervention Description and Replication (TIDieR) checklistRhon DI, Fritz JM, Kerns RD, McGeary DD, Coleman BC, Farrokhi S, Burgess DJ, Goertz CM, Taylor SL, Hoffmann T.2022BMC Medical Research MethodologyBMC Med Res Methodoldoi: 10.1186/s12874-022-01640-7VERDICT trial
Association of vitamin D status and COVID-19-related hospitalization and mortalitySeal KH, Bertenthal D, Carey E, Grunfeld C, Bikle DD, Lu CM2022Journal of General Internal MedicineJ Gen Intern Meddoi: 10.1007/s11606-021-07170-0wHOPE trial
The acceptability and feasibility of screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment for pain management among new England veterans with chronic pain: A pilot studySellinger JJ, Martino S, Lazar C, Mattocks K, Rando K, Serowik K, Ablondi K, Fenton B, Gilstad-Hayden K, Brummett B, Holtzheimer PE, Higgins D, Reznik TE, Semiatin AM, Stapley T, Ngo T, Rosen MI.2022Pain PracticePain Practicedoi: 10.1111/papr.13023SBIRT-PM trial
Impact of complex, partially nested clustering in a three-arm individually randomized group treatment trial: A case study with the wHOPE trialTong G, Seal KH, Becker WC, Li F, Dziura JD, Peduzzi PN, Esserman DA.2022Clinical TrialsClinical Trialsdoi: 10.1177/17407745211051288wHOPE trial
Prevalence and predictors of no-shows to physical therapy for musculoskeletal conditionsBhavsar NA, Doerfler SM, Giczewska A, Alhanti B, Lutz A, Thigpen CA, George SZ.2021PLOS OnePLoS Onedoi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0251336AIM Back trial
ICD-10 coding of musculoskeletal conditions in the Veterans Health AdministrationColeman BC, Goulet JL, Higgins DM, Bathulapalli H, Kawecki T, Ruser CB, Bastian LA, Martino S, Piette JD, Edmond SN, Heapy AA.2021Pain MedicinePain Meddoi: 10.1093/pm/pnab161COPES ExTRA trial
Assessing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on pragmatic clinical trial participantsColeman BC, Purcell N, Geda M, Luther SL, Peduzzi P, Kerns RD, Seal KH, Burgess DJ, Rosen MI, Sellinger J, Salsbury SA, Gelman H, Brandt CA, Edwards RR2021Contemporary Clinical TrialsContemp Clin Trials.doi: 10.1016/j.cct.2021.106619Pain Management Collaboratory
Pivoting to virtual delivery for managing chronic pain with nonpharmacological treatments: implications for pragmatic researchFritz JM, Davis AF, Burgess DJ, Coleman B, Cook C, Farrokhi S, Goertz C, Heapy A, Lisi AJ, McGeary DD, Rhon DI, Taylor SL, Zeliadt S, Kerns RD2021PAINPaindoi: 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000002139Pain Management Collaboratory
Adherence to stepped care for management of musculoskeletal knee pain leads to lower health care utilization, costs, and recurrenceGarcia AN, Cook CE, Rhon DI.2021American Journal of MedicineAm J Meddoi: 10.1016/j.amjmed.2020.08.006SMART Stepped Care trial
Back and neck pain: in support of routine delivery of non-pharmacologic treatments as a way to improve individual and population healthGeorge SZ, Lentz TA, Goertz CM.2021Translational ResearchTransl Resdoi: 10.1016/j.trsl.2021.04.006AIM Back trial; VERDICT trial
Characteristics and practice patterns of US Veterans Health Administration doctors of chiropractic: A cross-sectional surveyHalloran SM, Coleman BC, Kawecki T, Long CR, Goertz C, Lisi AJ.2021Journal of Manipulative and Physiological TherapeuticsJ Manipulative Physiol Therdoi: 10.1016/j.jmpt.2021.12.005VERDICT trial
Percutaneous neuromodulation of the brachial plexus and sciatic nerve for the treatment of acute pain following surgery: secondary outcomes from a multicenter, randomized, controlled pilot studyIlfeld BM, Plunkett A, Vijjeswarapu AM, Hackworth R, Dhanjal S, Turan A, Cohen SP, Eisenach JC, Griffith S, Hanling S, Sessler DI, Mascha EJ, Han Y, Boggs JW, Wongsarnpigoon A, Gelfand H; PAINfRE Investigators2021NeuromodulationNeuromodulationdoi: 10.1111/ner.13492Ultrasound Guided PNS
Percutaneous peripheral nerve stimulation (neuromodulation) for postoperative pain: a randomized, sham-controlled pilot studyIlfeld BM, Plunkett A, Vijjeswarapu AM, Hackworth R, Dhanjal S, Turan A, Cohen SP, Eisenach JC, Griffith S, Hanling S, Sessler DI, Mascha EJ, Yang D, Boggs JW, Wongsarnpigoon A, Gelfand H; PAINfRE Investigators2021AnesthesiologyAnesthesiologydoi: 10.1097/ALN.0000000000003776Ultrasound Guided PNS
The association between the supply of select nonpharmacologic providers for pain and use of nonpharmacologic pain management services and initial opioid prescribing patterns for Medicare beneficiaries with persistent musculoskeletal painKarmali RN, Skinner AC, Trogdon JG, Weinberger M, George SZ, Hassmiller Lich K.2021Health Services ResearchHSRdoi: 10.1111/1475-6773.13561AIM Back trial
Move to health-a holistic approach to the management of chronic low back pain: an intervention and implementation protocol developed for a pragmatic clinical trialRhon DI, Fritz JM, Greenlee TA, Dry KE, Mayhew RJ, Laugesen MC, Dragusin E, Teyhen DS.2021Journal of Translational MedicineJ Transl Meddoi: 10.1186/s12967-021-03013-ySMART Stepped Care trial
Changes in the use of telehealth and face-to-face chiropractic care in the Department of Veterans Affairs before and after the COVID-19 pandemicRoytman GR, Coleman BC, Corcoran KL, Goertz CM, Long CR, Lisi AJ.2021Journal of Manipulative and Physiological TherapeuticsJ Manipulative Physiol Ther.doi: 10.1016/j.jmpt.2021.12.002VERDICT trial
Development and implementation of the Military Treatment Facility Engagement Committee (MTFEC) to support pragmatic clinical trials in the military health systemScarton DV, Roddy WT, Taylor JA, Geda M, Brandt CA, Peduzzi P, Kerns RD, Pasquina PF2021Military MedicineMil Meddoi: 10.1093/milmed/usaa368Pain Management Collaboratory
Stakeholder engagement in pragmatic clinical trials: emphasizing relationships to improve pain management delivery and outcomesBastian LA, Cohen SP, Katsovich L, Becker WC, Brummett BR, Burgess DJ, Crunkhorn AE, Denneson LM, Frank JW, Goertz C, Ilfeld B, Kanzler KE, Krishnaswamy A, LaChappelle K, Martino S, Mattocks K, McGeary CA, Reznik TE, Rhon DI, Salsbury SA, Seal KH, Semiatin AM, Shin MH, Simon CB, Teyhen DS, Zamora K, Kerns RD; NIH-DOD-VA Pain Management Collaboratory2020Pain MedicinePain Meddoi: 10.1093/pm/pnaa333Pain Management Collaboratory
Adapting to disruption of research during the COVID-19 pandemic while testing nonpharmacological approaches to pain managementColeman BC, Kean J, Brandt CA, Peduzzi P, Kerns RD.2020Translational Behavioral MedicineTransl Behav Med.doi: 10.1093/tbm/ibaa074Pain Management Collaboratory
Mind-body therapies for opioid-treated pain: A systematic review and meta-analysisGarland EL, Brintz CE, Hanley AW, Roseen EJ, Atchley RM, Gaylord SA, Faurot KR, Yaffe J, Fiander M, Keefe FJ2020JAMA Internal MedicineJAMA Intern Meddoi: 10.1001/jamainternmed.2019.4917AIM Back trial
Strategy for addressing research-site overlap in pragmatic clinical trials: lessons learned from the NIH-DOD-VA Pain Management Collaboratory (PMC)Geda M, George SZ, Burgess DJ, Scarton DV, Roddy WT, Gordon KS, Pasquina PF, Brandt CA, Kerns RD, Peduzzi P, NIH-DoD-VA Pain Management Collaboratory2020TrialsTrialsdoi: 10.1186/s13063-020-04941-8Pain Management Collaboratory
The association between the supply of nonpharmacologic providers, use of nonpharmacologic pain treatments, and high-risk opioid prescription patterns among medicare beneficiaries with persistent musculoskeletal painKarmali RN, Skinner AC, Trogdon JG, Weinberger M, George SZ, Hassmiller Lich K2020Medical CareMed Caredoi: 10.1097/MLR.0000000000001299AIM Back trial
Predicting opioid use, increased health care utilization and high costs for musculoskeletal pain: what factors mediate pain intensity and disability?Lentz TA, Rhon DI, George SZ.2020The Journal of PainJ Paindoi: 10.1016/j.jpain.2019.06.004AIM Back trial
Veteran response to dosage in chiropractic therapy (VERDICT): study protocol of a pragmatic randomized trial for chronic low back painLong CR, Lisi AJ, Vining RD, Wallace RB, Salsbury SA, Shannon ZK, Halloran S, Minkalis AL, Corber L, Shekelle PG, Krebs EE, Abrams TE, Lurie JD, Goertz CM2020Pain MedicinePain Meddoi: 10.1093/pm/pnaa289VERDICT trial
Pain care in the Department of Veterans Affairs: understanding how a cultural shift in pain care impacts provider decisions and collaborationMattocks K, Rosen MI, Sellinger J, Ngo T, Brummett B, Higgins DM, Reznik TE, Holtzheimer P, Semiatin AM, Stapley T, Martino S2020Pain MedicinePain Meddoi: 10.1093/pm/pnz341COPES ExTRA trial
Tailored to fit: how an implementation framework can support pragmatic pain care trial adaptation for diverse Veterans Affairs clinical settingsPurcell N, Becker WC, Zamora KA, McGrath SL, Hagedorn HJ, Fabian ER, McCamish N, Seal KH2020Medical CareMed Caredoi: 10.1097/MLR.0000000000001376.wHOPE trial
Utility of catastrophizing, body symptom diagram score and history of opioid use to predict future health care utilization after a primary care visit for musculoskeletal painRhon DI, Lentz TA, George SZ2020Family PracticeFam. Pract.doi: 10.1093/fampra/cmz046AIM Back trial
Assessing the relative effectiveness of combining self-care with practitioner-delivered complementary and integrative health therapies to improve pain in a pragmatic trialZeliadt SB, Coggeshall SC, Gelman H, Shin MH, Elwy AR, Bokhour BG, Taylor SL2020Pain MedicinePain Meddoi: 10.1093/pm/pnaa349APPROACH trial
The APPROACH trial: assessing pain, patient-reported outcomes, and complementary and integrative healthZeliadt SB, Coggeshall S, Thomas E, Gelman H, Taylor SL.2020Clinical TrialsClin. Trials J.doi: 10.1177/1740774520928399APPROACH trial
Differences in characteristics and downstream drug use among opioid-naive and prior opioid users with low back painDiMarco LA, Ramger BC, Howell GP, Serrani AM, Givens DL, Rhon DI, Cook CE2019Pain PracticePain Practicedoi: 10.1111/papr.12728SMART Stepped Care trial
The use of STarT back screening tool to predict functional disability outcomes in patients receiving physical therapy for low back painKatzan IL, Thompson NR, George SZ, Passek S, Frost F, Stilphen M.2019The Spine JournalSpine Jdoi: 10.1016/j.spinee.2018.10.002AIM Back trial
NIH-DoD-VA Pain Management CollaboratoryKerns RD, Brandt CA, Peduzzi P.2019Pain MedicinePain Meddoi: 10.1093/pm/pnz186Pain Management Collaboratory
Risk and risk factors for chronic opioid use among opioid-naive patients with newly diagnosed musculoskeletal pain in the neck, shoulder, knee, or low backMoshfegh J, George SZ, Sun E.2019Annals of Internal MedicineAnn. Intern. Med.doi: 10.7326/M18-2261AIM Back trial
Development of an evidence-based practical diagnostic checklist and corresponding clinical exam for low back painVining RD, Minkalis AL, Shannon ZK, Twist EJ.2019Journal of Manipulative and Physiological TherapeuticsJ Manipulative Physiol Therdoi: 10.1016/j.jmpt.2019.08.003AIM Back trial
Current evidence for diagnosis of common conditions causing low back pain: systematic review and standardized terminology recommendationsVining RD, Shannon ZK, Minkalis AL, Twist EJ.2019Journal of Manipulative and Physiological TherapeuticsJ Manipulative Physiol Therdoi: 10.1016/j.jmpt.2019.08.002AIM Back trial
Development of a clinical decision aid for chiropractic management of common conditions causing low back pain in veterans: results of a consensus processVining RD, Shannon ZK, Salsbury SA, Corber L, Minkalis AL, Goertz CM.2019Journal of Manipulative and Physiological TherapeuticsJ Manipulative Physiol Therdoi: 10.1016/j.jmpt.2019.03.009AIM Back trial
Researching nondrug approaches to pain managementAbbasi J. Robert Kerns, PhD2018JAMA Network.doi: 10.1001/jama.2018.0247Pain Management Collaboratory
Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on nonpharmacological pain management trials in military and veteran healthcare settings: an evaluation informed by implementation scienceMidboe AM, Javier SJ, Salsbury SA, Katsovich L, Burgess DJ, King HA, Taylor SL, Martino S, Mayer JM, Wallace RB, Der-Martirosian C, Kerns RD.2023Translational Behavioral MedicineTransl Behav Med.doi: 10.1093/tbm/ibad015. Pain Management Collaboratory
A Sequential Multiple-Assignment Randomized Trial (SMART) for Stepped Care Management of Low Back Pain in the Military Health System: A Trial ProtocolFritz, Julie M; Rhon, Daniel I; Teyhen, Deydre S; Kean, Jacob; Vanneman, Megan E; Garland, Eric L; Lee, Ian E; Thorp, Richard E; Greene, Tom H2020Pain MedicinePain MedDOI: 10.1093/pm/pnaa338SMART Stepped Care trial
Assessing the Relative Effectiveness of Combining Self-Care with Practitioner-Delivered Complementary and Integrative Health Therapies to Improve Pain in a Pragmatic TrialZeliadt, Steven B; Coggeshall, Scott; Gelman, Hannah; Shin, Marlena H; Elwy, A Rani; Bokhour, Barbara G; Taylor, Stephanie L2020Pain MedicinePain MedDOI: 10.1093/pm/pnaa349Pain Management Collaboratory
Co-Operative Pain Education and Self-management (COPES) Expanding Treatment for Real-World Access (ExTRA): Pragmatic Trial ProtocolHeapy, Alicia A; Driscoll, Mary A; Buta, Eugenia; LaChappelle, Kathryn M; Edmond, Sara; Krein, Sarah L; Piette, John D; Mattocks, Kristin; Murphy, Jennifer L; DeBar, Lynn; MacLean, R Ross; Ankawi, Brett; Kawecki, Todd; Martino, Steve; Wagner, Todd; Higgins, Diana M2020Pain MedicinePain MedDOI: 10.1093/pm/pnaa365COPES ExTRA trial
Designing Trials with Purpose: Pragmatic Clinical Trials of Nonpharmacological Approaches for Pain ManagementGordon, Kirsha S; Peduzzi, Peter; Kerns, Robert D2020Pain MedicinePain MedDOI: 10.1093/pm/pnaa347Pain Management Collaboratory
Improving Veteran Access to Integrated Management of Back Pain (AIM-Back): Protocol for an Embedded Pragmatic Cluster-Randomized TrialGeorge, Steven Z; Coffman, Cynthia J; Allen, Kelli D; Lentz, Trevor A; Choate, Ashley; Goode, Adam P; Simon, Corey B; Grubber, Janet M; King, Heather; Cook, Chad E; Keefe, Francis J; Ballengee, Lindsay A; Naylor, Jennifer; Brothers, Joseph Leo; Stanwyck, Catherine; Alkon, Aviel; Hastings, Susan N2020Pain MedicinePain MedDOI: 10.1093/pm/pnaa348AIM Back trial
Learning to Apply Mindfulness to Pain (LAMP): Design for a Pragmatic Clinical Trial of Two Mindfulness-Based Interventions for Chronic PainBurgess, Diana J; Evans, Roni; Allen, Kelli D; Bangerter, Ann; Bronfort, Gert; Cross, Lee J; Ferguson, John E; Haley, Alex; Hagel Campbell, Emily M; Mahaffey, Mallory R; Matthias, Marianne S; Meis, Laura A; Polusny, Melissa A; Serpa, J Greg; Taylor, Stephanie L; Taylor, Brent C2020Pain MedicinePain MedDOI: 10.1093/pm/pnaa337LAMP trial
NIH-DOD-VA Pain Management Collaboratory: Pragmatic Clinical Trials of Nonpharmacological Approaches for Management of Pain and Co-occurring Conditions in Veteran and Military Health Systems: IntroductionKerns, Robert D; Brandt, Cynthia A2020Pain MedicinePain MedDOI: 10.1093/pm/pnaa358Pain Management Collaboratory
Resolving the Burden of Low Back Pain in Military Service Members and Veterans (RESOLVE): Protocol for a Multisite Pragmatic Clinical TrialFarrokhi, Shawn; Russell Esposito, Elizabeth; McPherson, Danielle; Mazzone, Brittney; Condon, Rachel; Patterson, Charity G; Schneider, Michael; Greco, Carol M; Delitto, Anthony; Highsmith, M Jason; Hendershot, Brad D; Maikos, Jason; Dearth, Christopher L2020Pain MedicinePain MedDOI: 10.1093/pm/pnaa367RESOLVE trial
Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment for Pain Management for Veterans Seeking Service-Connection Payments for Musculoskeletal Disorders: SBIRT-PM Study ProtocolMartino, Steve; Lazar, Christina; Sellinger, John; Gilstad-Hayden, Kathryn; Fenton, Brenda; Barnett, Paul G; Brummett, Brad R; Higgins, Diana M; Holtzheimer, Paul; Mattocks, Kristin; Ngo, Tu; Reznik, Thomas E; Semiatin, Alicia M; Stapley, Todd; Rosen, Marc I2020Pain MedicinePain MedDOI: 10.1093/pm/pnaa334Pain Management Collaboratory
Stakeholder Engagement in Pragmatic Clinical Trials: Emphasizing Relationships to Improve Pain Management Delivery and OutcomesBastian, Lori A; Cohen, Steven P; Katsovich, Lily; Becker, William C; Brummett, Bradley R; Burgess, Diana J; Crunkhorn, Andrea E; Denneson, Lauren M; Frank, Joseph W; Goertz, Christine; Ilfeld, Brian; Kanzler, Kathryn E; Krishnaswamy, Akshaya; LaChappelle, Kathryn; Martino, Steve; Mattocks, Kristin; McGeary, Cindy A; Reznik, Thomas E; Rhon, Daniel I; Salsbury, Stacie A; Seal, Karen H; Semiatin, Alicia M; Shin, Marlena H; Simon, Corey B; Teyhen, Deydre S; Zamora, Kara; Kerns, Robert D; NIH-DOD-VA Pain Management Collaboratory2020Pain MedicinePain MedDOI: 10.1093/pm/pnaa333AIM Back trial
Targeting Chronic Pain in Primary Care Settings by Using Behavioral Health Consultants: Methods of a Randomized Pragmatic TrialGoodie, Jeffrey L; Kanzler, Kathryn E; McGeary, Cindy A; Blankenship, Abby E; Young-McCaughan, Stacey; Peterson, Alan L; Cobos, Briana A; Dobmeyer, Anne C; Hunter, Christopher L; Blue Star, John; Bhagwat, Aditya; McGeary, Donald D2020Pain MedicinePain MedDOI: 10.1093/pm/pnaa346RESOLVE trial
Ultrasound-Guided Percutaneous Peripheral Nerve Stimulation: A Pragmatic Effectiveness Trial of a Nonpharmacologic Alternative for the Treatment of Postoperative PainIlfeld, Brian M; Gelfand, Harold; Dhanjal, Sandeep; Hackworth, Robert; Plunkett, Anthony; Turan, Alparslan; Vijjeswarapu, Alice M; Cohen, Steven P; Eisenach, James C; Griffith, Scott; Hanling, Steven; Mascha, Edward J; Sessler, Daniel I2020Pain MedicinePain MedDOI: 10.1093/pm/pnaa332Ultrasound Guided PNS
Veteran Response to Dosage in Chiropractic Therapy (VERDICT): Study Protocol of a Pragmatic Randomized Trial for Chronic Low Back PainLong, Cynthia R; Lisi, Anthony J; Vining, Robert D; Wallace, Robert B; Salsbury, Stacie A; Shannon, Zacariah K; Halloran, Stephanie; Minkalis, Amy L; Corber, Lance; Shekelle, Paul G; Krebs, Erin E; Abrams, Thad E; Lurie, Jon D; Goertz, Christine M2020Pain MedicinePain MedDOI: 10.1093/pm/pnaa289VERDICT trial
Whole Health Options and Pain Education (wHOPE): A Pragmatic Trial Comparing Whole Health Team vs Primary Care Group Education to Promote Nonpharmacological Strategies to Improve Pain, Functioning, and Quality of Life in Veterans-Rationale, Methods, and ImplementationSeal, Karen H; Becker, William C; Murphy, Jennifer L; Purcell, Natalie; Denneson, Lauren M; Morasco, Benjamin J; Martin, Aaron M; Reddy, Kavitha; Iseghem, Theresa Van; Krebs, Erin E; Painter, Jacob M; Hagedorn, Hildi; Pyne, Jeffrey M; Hixon, John; Maguen, Shira; Neylan, Thomas C; Borsari, Brian; DeRonne, Beth; Gibson, Carolyn; Matthias, Marianne S; Frank, Joseph W; Krishnaswamy, Akshaya; Li, Yongmei; Bertenthal, Daniel; Chan, Allan; Nunez, Alejandro; McCamish, Nicole2020Pain MedicinePain Med DOI: 10.1093/pm/pnaa366wHOPE trial
Characteristics of chiropractic patients in VHA during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional analysisRoytman GR, Cheung KH, Bathulapalli H, Goertz CM, Long CR, Lisi AJ.2023The Journal of Manipulative and Physiological TherapeuticsJ. Manip. Physiol., JMPTDOI: 10.1016/j.jmpt.2023.04.002VERDICT trial
Access to Pain Care from Compensation Clinics: A Relational Coordination PerspectiveRosen, Marc I; Martino, Steve; Sellinger, John; Lazar, Christina M; Fenton, Brenda T; Mattocks, Kristin.2020Federal Practitioner trial
Integration of health coaches in a Whole Health Team model of chronic pain care: A qualitative studyDenneson, Lauren M; Purcell, Natalie; McGrath, Sarah L; Abadjian, Linda R; Becker, William C; Seal, Karen H.2023Journal of General Internal MedicineJ. Gen. Intern. Med.DOI: 10.1007/s11606-023-08317-xwHOPE trial
How Mindfulness Predicts Pain And Comorbidities: A Cross-Sectional Study Of Veterans With Chronic PainCalvert, Collin; Taylor, Brent C.; Bangerter, Ann; Branson, Mariah; Cross, Lee JS; Evans, Roni; Allen, Kelli; Haley, Alexander C.; Ferguson, John; Friedman, Jessica; Campbell, Emily Hagel; Meis, Laura A.; Burgess, Diana J.2023The Journal of PainJ PainDOI: trial
Do Mindfulness Interventions Cause Harm?: Findings From The Learning To Apply Mindfulness To Pain StudyBurgess, Diana; Calvert, Collin; Bangerter, Ann; Branson, Mariah; Cross, Lee JS; Evans, Roni; Ferguson, John; Friedman, Jessica; Campbell, Emily Hagel; Haley, Alexander C.; Hennessy, Sierra; Kraft, Colleen; Mahaffey, Mallory; Matthias, Marianne; Meis, Laura A.; Serpa, J Greg; Taylor, Stephanie; Taylor, Brent C.2023The Journal of PainJ PainDOI: 10.1016/j.jpain.2023.02.187LAMP trial
Gender Differences In Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Severity, Pain Catastrophizing, Interference, And Intensity In Veterans: Baseline Findings From The Learning To Apply Mindfulness To Pain StudyFriedman, Jessica; Taylor, Brent C.; Campbell, Emily Hagel; Allen, Kelli; Bangerter, Ann; Branson, Mariah; Bronfort, Gert; Calvert, Collin; Cross, Lee JS; Evans, Roni; Ferguson, John; Haley, Alexander C.; Meis, Laura A.; Burgess, Diana.2023The Journal of PainJ PainDOI: 10.1016/j.jpain.2023.02.178LAMP trial
Intervention Fidelity in Pain Pragmatic Trials for Nonpharmacologic Pain Management: Nuanced Considerations for Determining PRECIS2 Flexibility in Delivery and AdherenceKerns, Robert D.; Davis, Alison F.; Fritz, Julie M.; Keefe, Francis J.; Peduzzi, Peter; Rhon, Daniel I.; Taylor, Stephanie L.; Vining, Robert; Yu, Qilu; Zeliadt, Steven B.; George, Steven Z.2023The Journal of PainJ PainDOI: 10.1016/j.jpain.2022.12.008Pain Management Collaboratory
Partner engagement for planning and development of non-pharmacological care pathways in the AIM-Back trialBallengee, Lindsay A.; King, Heather A.; Simon, Corey; Lentz, Trevor A.; Allen, Kelli D.; Stanwyck, Catherine; Gladney, Micaela; George, Steven Z.; Hastings, S. Nicole.2023Contemporary clinical trials communicationsContemp Clin Trials CommDOI: 10.1177/17407745231178789AIM Back trial
If you Build it, Will they Come? Patient and Provider Use of a Novel Hybrid Telehealth Care Pathway for Low Back PainLentz, Trevor A.; Coffman, Cynthia; Cope, Tyler; George, Steven Z.2023Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation JournalPhys. Ther. Rehabil.DOI: 10.1093/ptj/pzad127AIM Back trial
Transforming low back pain care delivery in the United StatesGeorge, Steven Z.; Goertz, Christine; Hastings, S. Nicole; Fritz, Julie M.2020PAINDOI: 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000001989SMART Stepped Care trial
Pain Management Collaboratory: Updates, Lessons Learned, and Future DirectionsKerns RD, Brandt, CA, Peduzzi, P2024Pain MedicinePain Med10.1093/pm/pnae097Pain Management Collaboratory
Lost in implementation: risk stratified care for musculoskeletal painGeorge SZ.2023PainPain10.1097/j.pain.0000000000002939AIM Back trial
Pre-implementation formative evaluation of cooperative pain education and self-management expanding treatment for real-world access: A pragmatic pain trialMattocks KM, LaChappelle KM, Krein SL, DeBar LL, Martino S, Edmond S, Ankawi B, MacLean RR, Higgins DM, Murphy JL, Cooper E, Heapy AA.2023Pain PracticePain Pract10.1111/papr.13195COPES ExTRA trial
Telehealth Mindfulness-Based Interventions for Chronic Pain: The LAMP Randomized Clinical TrialBurgess DJ, Calvert C, Hagel Campbell EM, Allen KD, Bangerter A, Behrens K, Branson M, Bronfort G, Cross LJS, Evans R, Ferguson JE, Friedman JK, Haley AC, Leininger B, Mahaffey M, Matthias MS, Meis LA, Polusny MA, Serpa JG, Taylor SL, Taylor BC.2024Journal of the American Medical AssociationJAMA Intern Med10.1001/jamainternmed.2024.3940LAMP trial
Duration, Cost, and Escalation of Care Events for Physical Therapy Management of Low Back Pain in Service Members With Limb Loss>/a>Gunterstockman BM, Hendershot BD, Kakyomya J, Patterson CG, Dearth CL, Farrokhi S.2024Military MedicineMil Med10.1093/milmed/usae455RESOLVE trial
The Influence of Active, Passive, and Manual Therapy Interventions for Low Back Pain on Opioid Prescription and Health Care UtilizationFarrokhi S, Bechard L, Gorczynski S, Patterson C, Kakyomya J, Hendershot BD, Condon R, Perkins LTCM, Rhon DI, Delitto A, Schneider M, Dearth CL.2024Physical TherapyPhys Ther10.1093/ptj/pzad173RESOLVE trial
Post-lumbar surgery prescription variation and opioid-related outcomes in a large US healthcare system: an observational studyRobertson I, Rhon DI, Fritz JM, Velosky A, Lawson BK, Highland KB.2023Spine JournalSpine J10.1016/j.spinee.2023.05.006SMART Stepped Care trial
Intervention Fidelity in Pain Pragmatic Trials for Nonpharmacologic Pain Management: Nuanced Considerations for Determining PRECIS-2 Flexibility in Delivery and AdherenceKerns RD, Davis AF, Fritz JM, Keefe FJ, Peduzzi P, Rhon DI, Taylor SL, Vining R, Yu Q, Zeliadt SB, George SZ.2023Journal of PainJ Pain10.1016/j.jpain.2022.12.008SMART Stepped Care trial
The Effectiveness of a Mindfulness-Based Intervention Integrated with Physical Therapy (MIND-PT) for Postsurgical Rehabilitation After Lumbar Surgery: A Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial as Part of the Back Pain Consortium (BACPAC) Research ProgramFritz JM, Rhon DI, Garland EL, Hanley AW, Greenlee T, Fino N, Martin B, Highland KB, Greene T.2023Pain MedicinePain Med10.1093/pm/pnac138SMART Stepped Care trial
Intervention Fidelity in Pain Pragmatic Trials for Nonpharmacologic Pain Management: Nuanced Considerations for Determining PRECIS-2 Flexibility in Delivery and AdherenceKerns RD, Davis AF, Fritz JM, Keefe FJ, Peduzzi P, Rhon DI, Taylor SL, Vining R, Yu Q, Zeliadt SB, George SZ.2023Journal of PainJ Pain10.1016/j.jpain.2022.12.008APPROACH trial
Initial Development of a Self-Report Survey on Use of Nonpharmacological and Self-Care Approaches for Pain Management (NSCAP)Edmond SN, Kerns RD, Geda M, Luther SL, Edwards RR, Taylor SL, Rosen MI, Fritz JM, Goertz CM, Zeliadt SB, Seal KH.2024Pain MedicinePain Med10.1093/pm/pnae082APPROACH trial
Percutaneous Neuromodulation of the Brachial Plexus and Sciatic Nerve for the Treatment of Acute Pain Following Surgery: Secondary Outcomes From a Multicenter, Randomized, Controlled Pilot StudyIlfeld BM, Plunkett A, Vijjeswarapu AM, Hackworth R, Dhanjal S, Turan A, Cohen SP, Eisenach JC, Griffith S, Hanling S, Sessler DI, Mascha EJ, Han Y, Boggs JW, Wongsarnpigoon A, Gelfand H; PAINfRE Investigators.2023NeuromodulationNeuromodulation10.1111/ner.13492Ultrasound Guided PNS
Ambiguity in care delivery terminology: implications that affect pragmatic clinical trials using non-pharmacological interventionsRhon DI, Davis AF, Ali J, Brandt C, Burns A, Lucio W, Vining R, Young-McCaughan S.2024BMJ Evid Based MedBMJ Evid Based Med10.1136/bmjebm-2023-112547VERDICT trial
Engaging Clinical Partners in Pragmatic Clinical Trials: Lessons Learned from the Pain Management CollaboratoryBastian LA, Cohen SP, Salsbury SA, Davis AF, Katsovich L, Kerns RD.2024Pain MedicinePain Med10.1093/pm/pnae055Pain Management Collaboratory
Optimizing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Pragmatic Clinical Trial: Findings from the Pain Management CollaboratoryLovejoy TI, Higgins DM, Ali J, Kerns RD, Heapy AA, Nalule EK, Pal N2024Journal of PainJ Pain10.1093/pm/pnae097Tele-Collaborative Outreach to Rural Patients with Chronic Pain: The CORPs Trial
Email recruitment for chronic pain clinical trials: results from the LAMP trialFerguson JE, Hagel Campbell E, Bangerter A, Cross LJS, Allen KD, Behrens K, Branson M, Calvert C, Friedman JK, Hennessy S, Meis LA, Taylor BC, Burgess DJ.2024TrialsTrials10.1186/s13063-024-08301-8LAMP trial
Perspectives on pain management from the veterans health administration and the defense health agencyKligler B, Teyhen D, Cordts P. 2024Pain MedicinePain Med10.1093/pm/pnae047Pain Management Collaboratory
Achieving two-part harmony: standardizing pain-related phenotypes and outcomesEdwards R, Geda, M, Burgess DJ, Davis AF, DeBar L, Pal N, Peduzzi P, Taylor SL, Wallace R, Luther, SL.2024Pain MedicinePain Med10.1093/pm/pnae069Pain Management Collaboratory
Toward facilitating the collection and utilization of patient-reported outcomes in the Military Health System: Lessons learned from a pragmatic clinical trial on physical therapy management for low back painBeisheim-Ryan EH, Hendershot BD, Mauntel TC, Gorczynski SR, Smith RW, Crunkhorn A, Farrokhi S, Dearth CL.2024Pain MedicinePain Med10.1093/pm/pnae059Pain Management Collaboratory
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on participants in pragmatic clinical trials for chronic pain: implications for trial outcomes and beyondSellinger JJ, Gilstad-Hayden K, Lazar C, Seal K, Purcell N, Burgess DJ, Martino S, Heapy A, Higgins D, Rosen MI.2024Pain MedicinePain Med10.1093/pm/pnae060Pain Management Collaboratory
Strategies for working with pragmatic clinical trial observational data—lessons learned from the Pain Management CollaboratoryMatheny ME, Brandt C, Jannace KC, Roddy WT, Raffanello M, Silliker N, Erdos J.2024Pain MedicinePain Med10.1093/pm/pnae093Pain Management Collaboratory
Challenges in clinical data sharing—experiences of the pain management collaboratoryJannace KC, Brandt CA, Silliker N, Adepoju B, Raffanello M, Matheny ME, Roddy WT, Erdos J.2024Pain MedicinePain Med10.1093/pm/pnae063Pain Management Collaboratory
Utility of the PICOTS framework to assess clinical trial disruptions: monitoring the impact of COVID-19 in the Pain Management CollaboratoryPeduzzi P, Brandt CA, Dearth CL, Dziura J, Farrokhi S, George SZ, Kyriakides TC, Long CR, Mascha EJ, Patterson CG, Rhon DI, Kerns RD.2024Pain MedicinePain Med10.1093/pm/pnae078Pain Management Collaboratory
Recommendations for monitoring adherence and fidelity in pragmatic trials based on experience in the Pain Management CollaboratoryDziura J, Gilstad-Hayden K, Coffman CJ, Long CR, Yu Q, Buta E, Coggeshall S, Geda M, Peduzzi P, Kyriakides TC.2024Pain MedicinePain Med10.1093/pm/pnae080Pain Management Collaboratory
Adapting to change: experiences and recommendations from the Pain Management Collaboratory on modifying statistical analysis plansYu Q, George SZ, Kyriakides TC, Rhon DI, Morasco BJ, Dziura J, Fritz JM, Geda M, Peduzzi P, Long CR.2024Pain MedicinePain Med10.1093/pm/pnae073Pain Management Collaboratory
How initial perceptions of the effectiveness of mind and body complementary and integrative health therapies influence long-term adherence in a pragmatic trialZeliadt SB, Coggeshall S, Zhang X, Rosser EW, Reed DE, Elwy AR, Bokhour BG, Toyama JA, Taylor SL.2024Pain MedicinePain Med10.1093/pm/pnae070Pain Management Collaboratory
Monitoring and reporting adverse events in pragmatic clinical trials testing nonpharmacological pain management interventionsBurns A, Young-McCaughan S, Davis AF, Vining R, Ali J, Fritz JM, Morasco BJ, Rhon DI, Roogow R, Kyriakides TC, Kerns RD.2024Pain MedicinePain Med10.1093/pm/pnae081Pain Management Collaboratory
Do mindfulness interventions cause harm? Findings from the Learning to Apply Mindfulness to Pain (LAMP) Pragmatic Clinical TrialBurgess DJ, Calvert C, Bangerter A, Branson M, Cross LJS, Evans R, Ferguson JE, Friedman JK, Campbell EMH, Haley AC, Hennessy S, Kraft C, Mahaffey M, Matthias MS, Meis LA, Serpa JG, Taylor SL, Taylor BC.2024Pain MedicinePain Med10.1093/pm/pnae056Pain Management Collaboratory
Pragmatic clinical trials as hybrid effectiveness-implementation studies to shrink the evidence-to-practice gap for chronic pain managementMidboe AM, Seal KH, Burgess DJ, Rosen MI, Martino S.2024Pain MedicinePain Med10.1093/pm/pnae067Pain Management Collaboratory
Engaging clinical partners in pragmatic clinical trials: lessons learned from the pain management collaboratoryBastian LA, Cohen SP, Salsbury SA, Davis AF, Katsovich L, Kerns RD.2024Pain MedicinePain Med10.1093/pm/pnae055Pain Management Collaboratory
The implementation of a pain navigator program in the department of Veterans Affairs' (VA) health care systems: a cluster randomized pragmatic clinical trialFrance C, Cook CE, Coffman CJ, Tumminello C, Choate A, George SZ, Lentz TA, Hastings SN.2024Pain MedicinePain Med10.1093/pm/pnae074Pain Management Collaboratory
Tele-collaborative outreach to rural patients with chronic pain: pragmatic effectiveness trial protocol for the CORPs studyMorasco BJ, Pal N, Ono SO, McPherson SM, Lynch FL, Dickerson JF, Dobscha SK, Krebs EE, Makris UE, Mixon AS, Maloy P, Davis MM, Lovejoy TI.2024Pain MedicinePain Med10.1093/pm/pnae075Pain Management Collaboratory
Screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment for pain management for veterans separating from military service: study protocol of a hybrid type 2 study testing implementation facilitation versus training-as-usualSellinger JJ, Rosen MI, Lazar CM, Gilstad-Hayden K, Dziura J, Li F, Mattocks K, Weede A, Sullivan-Tibbs M, Rose L, Vassallo GG, Manhapra A, Turner, A, Vogt D, Woodward EN, Hartmann CW, Haskell SG, Mohammad A, Martino S.2024Pain MedicinePain Med10.1093/pm/pnae062Pain Management Collaboratory
Pain Management Collaboratory: Updates, Lessons Learned, and Future DirectionsKerns RD, Brandt, CA, Peduzzi, P.2024Pain MedicinePain Med10.1093/pm/pnae097Pain Management Collaboratory

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